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Dier Therapy Zone | The keys of diet is food and hormone

To go on diet you need is to keep hormone and your food if you cannot maintain a balance between the two then you will not be never get slim body that you want. You can do a blood test to the doctor but the are easiest way to determine whether you need a diet for your body is to remove your clothes and look in the mirror. If you are obese then you have to go on diet or maybe too thin, and you also want to increase the weight to be the ideal body shape. Only by maintaining our diet and hormones so we can get. The ideal body shape, may also be coupled whit exercise . If you take slimming drugs may be at risk.
To go on a diet, you should star thinking in terms of food three categories : proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. All food consist of three " macronutrients " to various degrees. The most foods containing a portion of one group, and trace amount of the other. Just to make sure we are talking the same language. I often tell people that " protein moves around, and carbohydrates grow in the ground. " Obviously, fish and chicken are both proteins, since they move around. But what about carbohydrates ? Well, pasta is a carbohydrate because it comes from wheat and that grows in the ground. What about broccoli? It grow in the ground, so it also must be a carbohydrate. And apple ? They come from apple trees, which grow in the ground. That also makes an apple a carbohytrate. The fact that fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates comes as a major revelation to most Americans. One reason people are so confused about what to eat is that they often don't fully understand what they are eating. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats all have unique hormonal. Impacts. Carbohydrates stimulate insulin, protein affects the hormone glucagon, and fats affect still another group of hormones called eicosanoid. How these three hormone systems impact your life is the science behind the diet.
Let's take insulin firts. Insulin is a "storage hormone." It tells the body to store incoming nutrients. Without adequate insulin, your cells starve to death and you die.  On the other hand, too much insulin will make you fat, and accelerates the aging process.  There are two ways to increase insulin and drive yourself out of the Zone. The first is to eat too many carbohydrates at any one meal. Carbohydrates are powerful stimulators of insulin secretion.
The other is to eat too many calories at any one meal.  Excess calories (especially carbohydrates) increase insulin levels because they must be stored somewhere in the body, and that demands more insulin.
Furthermore, any excess calories the body cannot immediately store will be converted to fat and sent straight to your hips, stomach, or other problem areas for storage. Unfortunately, the same high levels of insulin that cause you to store fat will also block the release of any stored body fat for energy. This is why excess insulin makes you fat and keeps you fat. On the other hand, dietary protein stimulates the release of glucagon, which has the opposite hormonal effect of insulin. Glucagon is a “mobilization hormone.” It tells the body to release stored carbohydrate in the liver to replenish blood sugar levels for the brain. Without adequate levels of glucagon, you will always feel hungry and mentally fatigued because the brain is not getting enough of its primary fuel—blood sugar. Insulin and glucagon are constantly performing this balancing act. If one hormone goes up, then the other hormone goes down. This is why the balance of protein to carbohydrate at every meal and snack is critical for maintaining insulin within the Zone.
Finally, there is fat. Fat has no direct effect on insulin. Nor does it have any effect on glucagon. So why not simply take all fat out of the diet? The reason is that fat has an affect on another group of hormones call eicosanoids, and these hormones also help control insulin levels. In many ways, eicosanoids are master hormones that orchestrate the functions of a vast array of other hormonal systems in your body. In away, eicosanoids are analogous to a computer. Each of these hormones is shown below in a cartoon- like format. 
The zone is about how these three hormonal systems ( insulin, glucagon, and eicosanoids ) are controlled by the food you eat. The zone is about hormonal thinking, not caloric thinking. It's a new way of looking at the food we eat, and that's what makes the zone controversial, even thought it is ultimately based on balance and moderation.
More than three million Americans have entered the Zone, and they can attest that the Zone works.  Yet how could our government and all the nutritional “experts” have missed the boat? Because they are still thinking calorically, not hormonally. Before you can fully understand the revolutionary implications of the Zone and all the vast benefits of being in the Zone, you need to clear your mind of many misconceptions about nutrition.
All too frequently, the dietary advice you read about in newspapers or magazines is totally conflicting, if not downright dangerous to your health. Yet the more you hear something, the more you read about it, the more you’re likely to believe it. With all the news reports and TV commercials touting the wonders of bagels, pasta, and breakfast cereals, you have more than likely been piling on these fat-free carbohydrates at the expense of protein and fat. Nutritional mantras like “eat no fat,” “avoid protein,” and “use pasta as the main course” dance around in your head at every meal. What passes as nutritional “wisdom” can sabotage your weight and health unless you understand some Zone facts that are based on hormonal thinking. These facts upset much of this nutritional mythology that currently pervades America.

Diet Therapy | 3 ways to lose weight successfully

If you want to slim ? Want to lose weight as quickly as possible ? If you want to learn how to do so consistently ? If the answer is yes then read on ! Rapid weight loss is not so difficult as most people believe. Even you can lose weight very easily. Indeed lose weight there are easy and some are difficult. Lose weight the easy are or the light may take a long time, but this time I will discuss about how to lose weight fast in away difficult or hard.
Here's 3 way to lose weight, you have focus on individual development of each way you can use for success in losing weight.
The third way is :
  1. Your diet - Your diet is very important when it comes to losing weight  quickly. Your diet should be balanced and healthy . If you eat the wrong foods or drinks, you still will never loss weight. Many people believe that exercise alone will help them loss weight. It's not like that. A balanced diet along with exercise is the only way to achieve sure fire weight loss.
  2. Your rest is also important if you want to lose weight, you need to increase your body's fat burning process. If you can make the body burn faster , you will lose weight faster too. For people who are overweight in general, fat-burning process is realy slow or so slowly. That is why they are over weight. And the only one way to increase your body's fat burning process is through rest and good diet . A good diet and adequate rest will a accelerate the fat burning process. That is why it is so important.
  3. Exercise - This is the third pillar when it comes to achieving a rapid weight loss. Exercise is absolutely necessary to burn unwanted fat by your body. Exercise alone will not help you. You need to get your diet and the other part right before you can even think of getting results from your workout. The are some skinny teenager that despite strenuous workout in the gym never realy had tremendous gains is muscle. Why? That's because they not get breaks and the right diet. The same goes for losing weight.
If diet and the other part is not work, You will never lose weight even if you exercise like crazy. Sure , you might lose a few pounds. But surely you will not get the sexy body that makes other people starring at you in amazement.

The most effective form of exercise involving the same amount of cardio and resistance training. But not all types of resistance training will help you burn fat. Mostly free weights and exercise machines in gyms are designed to build muscle. They are not designed to burn fat. Only cardio equipment designed to do that.

But do not worry. There is an alternative form of resistance training that works very well for fat burning. It is the use of resistance bands. Resistance bands are bands made from latex and rely on elastic tube for resistance.
Resistance is given a very smooth and you can perform a variety of fat-burning workout with these bands. If you are serious about losing weight, I encourage you to invest in a pair of resistance bands.

One Simple Trick to Stay Away From Junk Food

One Simple Trick to Stay Away From Junk Food
Love your live and stay away from junk food cause they can make your body fat.

Gula Merah Bisa Membuat Awet Muda?

Awet muda siapa yang tidak mau? Menurut ilmu kedokteran China, gula merah bersifat hangat, rasanya manis dan berkhasiat untuk menambah darah, memperkuat limpa, menghangatkan lambung, meredakan nyeri dan melancarkan peredaran darah.
Pada kaum usia lanjut atau saat kita jadi nenek-nenek atau kakek-kakek, serapan terhadap multivitamin dan mikronutrien perlahan-lahan semakin berkurang, sehingga dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan yang dapat menjaga fungsi metabolisme dan memperlambat penuaan.
Gula merah sesuai bagi semua orang. Umumnya banyak yang berpendapat bahwa gula merah hanya cocok dikonsumsi bagi wanita yang baru saja melahirkan dan yang menstruasi yang tidak teratur. Tetapi sebenarnya gula merah itu sangat cocok buat siapa saja terutama bagi yang sudah berusia lanjut, karena umumnya kaum yang berusia lanjut itu fisiknya lemah. Gula merah terbuat dari tebu yang mengandung madu, umumnya gula madu dari perasaan tebu yang dipadatkan dengan proses pengolahan yang sederhana.
Setiap 100gram gula merah mengandung 90 mg kalsium, 4 mg zat besi dan mengandung laktoflavin karoten. Peneliti Jepang juga mengekstrak suatu polisakarida yang dinamakan " Molases ".
Dari hasil percobaan " Molases " ini mengandung antioksidan yang sangat tinggi dan khasiatnya sangat ampuh untuk melawan penuaan dini. Jadi buah anda yang ingin awet muda mengkonsumsi gula merah bisa menjadi alternatif untuk mencegah penuaan dini.
Jadi apabila anda ingin mengkonsumsi gula maka pilihlah gula merah. Namun ada hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengkonsumsi gula merah. Tidak semua kaum manula cocok mengkonsumsi gula merah. Menurut ilmu kedokteran China bagi yang kekurangan cairan tubuh, panas dalam dan memiliki pencernaan yang buruk serta bagi penderita diabetes, tidak disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi gula merah. Selain itu disaat meminum obat juga tidak disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi gula merah.

Diet Kalium Perkecil Resiko Stroke

Sebelum Terlambat hindari penyakit dengan banyak mengkonsunsi buah, tapi saya bukan penjual buah lho yang jelas didalam buah-buahan terdapat banyak sekali vitamin dan mineral yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, saya rasa anda sudah mengetahuinya ^_^. Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang kalium, kalium adalah elektrolit yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk menjaga keseimbangan cairan tubuh, dan juga terlibat dalam saraf, kontrol otot, dan regulasi tekanan darah.
Sebagaimana dilansir oleh Reuters, sebuah penelitian menyarankan diet tinggi kalium untuk membantu mempertahankan tekanan darah yang sehat dan mungkin melindungi terhadap penyakit jantung dan stroke.
"Diet Asupan kalium berbanding terbalik dengan resiko stroke," tulis ketua tim riset Susanna Larsson, dari Karolinska Intitute di Stockholm, Swedia. Temuan ini dilaporkan dalam journal Stroke, berdasarkan hasil analisis dari 10 studi international yang melibatkan lebih 200.000 orang dewasa, setengah baya dan orang tua.
Susanna menambahkan bahwa temuan ini tidak membuktikan bahwa kalium tersebut menghasilkan efek positif, akan tetapi kemungkinan itu ada. Oleh karena itu orang disarankan memakan buah berkalium tinggi yang sehat, seperti kacang, berbagai buah-buahan serta sayuran, dan susu yang bekadar lemak rendah.
Anda juga bisa menghindari stroke dengan rajin berolah raga makan teratur dan melakukan Three-day Cleaning.

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